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Mitch McConnell flips on Supreme Court nominees in election years
GOP Senate Won't Consider Supreme Court Nominee
McConnell: Next President Should Nominate Justice
Republicans Make The Case for Confirming Judges During an Election Year
Senator Mitch McConnell on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Death and Supreme Court Nomination Process
McConnell: 'We Have An Obligation' To Advance Supreme Court Nomination | MSNBC
Mitch McConnell On Supreme Court Showdown (Full Interview) | Meet The Press | NBC News
What Mitch McConnell has said about filling Supreme Court vacancies
VERIFY: McConnell leaves out important context when citing accurate Supreme Court precedent argument
Sen. Maj. Leader Mitch McConnell on Supreme Court nomination
Mitch McConnell, Then and Now on SCOTUS Nomination
How the Senate Power Play for RBG's SCOTUS Seat Could End